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Feb. 9, 2024

Knowing God - Chapters 19 + 20 Part 2

This week we continue going over chapters 19 and 20 of Packer's book Knowing God. This episode covers the last big of chapter 19 and all of chapter 20 as we continue onward towards the end.

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This week we continue going over chapters 19 and 20 of Packer's book Knowing God. This episode covers the last big of chapter 19 and all of chapter 20 as we continue onward towards the end.

Use Your Words podcast is passion project of two people from Southeastern Wisconsin. Please consider checking out the below links to learn/hear more. And join us every week for new episodes!

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Adoption through propitiation. So remember propitiation. What that means, it's well, obviously it's Christ being our propitiation being the one that appeases God with his sacrifice. 

And something about, oh, golly, Yep. Yeah. Appeasing. 

OK So in other words, adoption through appeasement is how he's putting this. Putting this, Yeah. Do you agree with that or no, I guess we can't I guess it does sound kind of interesting, unless i'm not thinking of it quite right, because it's like we can be adopted because of it, we're not adopted. 

we're not adopted because of it, but we have the opportunity to be adopted because of it, right? Am I thinking of that? Right? 

Expand your thinking, Sir. Expand my thinking. Because it's not it's I mean, it's because of Christ. We can be adopted, right? 

But we're not adopt. we're not just all adopted because he's done it. Does that make sense? OK right, OK Yeah. 

Like, I guess going back to the whole thing, we're not all children of God because he's made the sacrifice. We can all become children of God. By what? As well? Proclaiming and having, well, having Christ be the Lord and Savior of our lives. Yep. 

It doesn't just happen because of his sacrifice, Yes. Yeah, good job. Thanks. That takes a long time to flush. 

But. But so do you agree with that statement then or not? Or I guess. Well, does. So does adoption. 

he's not saying that because of propitiation you're automatically adopted. he's saying that there are adoptions available through it, through it, through their propitiation. Yes. OK cool. I was just wondering, I wasn't sure if like, yeah, I guess i'm just reading the three words. To me it comes across as we're adopted because of his propitiation. Well, we no, we can be adopted. Appreciation, Right. We aren't automatically adopted. Yep. Yeah. All right, cool. 

OK Glad we got that out of the way. Yes, yes, yes. Also, I didn't take the time to look this up. Yep. 

And I want to see. Well, I wanted to see if you would know it and get it before, because I still can't think of it. Go ahead. But bearing shame and scoffing, rude, rude in my place. Condemned, He stood, sealed my pardon with his blood. What song is that? 

What song has those words in it? You know what? I don't know off the top of my head that's driving me nuts. And I wanted to see. I was like, oh, maybe Paul just knows. No, that sounds like an old school hymn know hymn that I. Well, be honest, I don't know off the top of my head. 

But you know what? there's this wonderful thing called the Internet. Yeah. I didn't want to look it up. Why not? 

Because I wanted to see if, oh, see if I knew it. Yeah, we could figure it out before we looked it up. Yeah. No, I can't i'll be honest. I sealed my car. I cannot off top my head. 

I want to. I want obviously I know we've done it in church. i'm trying to think of what song that is that we've done that it's got those words in it. 

Oh well think I got it. What is it? One second. i'm pulling it up just to make sure it it's pulling it up from hymenary dot. org hymenary dot Uh, huh. 

Yep. Is what? A savior Or something like that, or? Well, that is the next line, actually. Hallelujah. What a say. Nope. that's the next. Man of sorrows. Man of sorrows. that's the hymn version, not the modern version. Right, Right. 

That was on the tip of my tongue. Son of a gun eighteen seventy five eighteen seventy five Yep, the full song is called Man of Sorrows. What a name. What a name. 

Because there's a Send the Hill song that also has. I don't know if it's all of those. It probably does. 

Yeah. i'm pretty sure it's got all. Yeah, it does. 

there's Yeah. Send The hill 's got a song that has those lines in it, too. Yeah. It wouldn't surprise me at all. No. OK All right. Well, now i'm glad I got that out of the way. Let me ask you this, mister Johnson. What does the word filial mean? F I L I A L makes me think of familial. 

I don't even know where that word is right now. it's on. According to my application, it's on page two fifteen it's in the middle of the paragraph starts. Nor does His grace stop short. 

But what does the word filial mean? Oh, there it is. The real task remains to establish a genuinely filial relationship between your adopted child and yourself. 

Well, is that like just like a more like an actual like a like a like a family level of relationship sort of thing. it's a specific type of family relationship. Oh, like a parent to a child. I don't know, reverse it. A child to a parent. Yep. 

OK interesting of or do from a son or daughter. Interesting. OK Yep. that's all I want to ask. And I was like, huh. 

And then so he's continuing on talking about adoption. This is a long section in this book. Let me tell you that it is the next thing is under hope because he now he's talking about, hey, what does adoption show us? He says, well, first it shows us the greatness of god 's love and there's this whole big to do about it. And then he talks about hope. Hope our adoption shows us the glory of Christian hope. And he writes this. It teaches us to think of our hope not as a possibility, nor yet as a likelihood, but as a guaranteed certainty, because is because it is a promised inheritance. 

Then he goes on to say later. Further on, doctrine of adoption tells us that the experience of heaven will be a family gathering and then he goes third. Hope not hope. 

Adoption gives us the key to understanding the ministry of the Holy Spirit. And I underline this line because it's so true and prevalent in current culture today. They think they being people. They think the work of the spirit is to give them experiences that are like LSD trips. Yeah, I wanted to underline that, but I didn't Why didn't you? I don't know. I don't know. 

I don't know why I didn't underline that, to be honest, but I didn't But I just thought that was funny. Because yeah, yeah, it's weird what some people, I guess get the idea of with like the Spirit, which that'll also talk more about in the guidance sectional in Chapter twenty where it's like how it's like this talk. it's like almost like talked about like just some weird out of body experience and just like something really weird woo stuff, which sounds like that would make people that I guess haven't experienced this L S L S D trip with the spirit. Like, how come I haven't experienced that then, huh? Am I not legitimate? Yep. 

So I don't have anything underlined for a little bit until we get to this little segment here. To what little segment it's on page two twenty three above the segment called Assurance? And this one I wanted your thoughts on. 

Adoption puts law keeping on the new footing as children of God. We acknowledge the law 's authority as a rule for our lives because we know that this is what our father wants. what's that? paragraph start with what is that reply it's above the assurance heading oh it's above the assurance heading yep all right so where's that line again adoption puts law keeping on a new footing as children of god we acknowledge the law 's authority as a rule for our lives because we know that is what our father wants did you find that Yeah, I found it. 

So the reason I bring that up is so in the previous paragraphs, previous to this, he's coming back because we're we're talking a lot of times in the New Testament how that, you know, says that Jesus came to fulfill the law. Right. And the law really didn't apply. You know, we've been taught that you know law, the Old Testament no longer Bubba packer 's argument is because we're in the family of God. The old law still does apply. That sounds like interesting because he that's under this this segment called holiness here where he's arguing for that that while is certainly true, that justification frees one forever from the need to keep the law or try to as means of earning life is equally true that adoption lays on one abiding obligation to keep the law as the means of pleasing one 's new found father. 

So in other words, the law isn't a requirement for, you know, eternal life, salvation. it's that's how you please got to keep the law. No, it's lost all around. that's his argument that he's making law keeping is the family likeness of God 's children jesus fulfilled all righteousness and god calls us to do likewise oh gosh we had a somewhat of a somewhat of a slight talk about that in one of the quick a wednesday night church discussion thing where we're talking about the new law versus the old law and what is still relevant versus what isn't because we have a new law since christ has come well obviously the new testament Yeah. I know, and and most people would probably go with what was in that discussion whereas packer 's like saying no no no no because of this this is why it was just one of those points where i'm like i don't know. packer i think he might be going off a little bit too legalistic but that's fine if you want to do that it's not end of the world sort of deal right yeah i don't know OK i just want to know If you had any thoughts on that, I ain't that smart yet. 

Really. No, i'm not too smart. And to be honest, that's like the last thing I have highlighted in this chapter. In this chapter. Yeah, Chapter nineteen Finally done. 

Yeah, I think that might Well, do I have. Oh, unless you have something. There was oh man, there was just like my response to like all the questions near the end. 

Oh, OK That are just fired at you? Or do I understand my adoption? Do I value it? Do I daily remind myself of my privilege as a child of God? Have I sought full assurance of my adoption? Do I daily dwell on the love of God to me? 

Goodness, yeah. there's just question after question after question was like, you're overwhelming my little brain. Your little brain better expand real quickly here. Yeah, because now we're going into Chapter twenty unless you got something else. 

Oh, I guess the last slide. OK Ours is just says God humble us and God instruct us. God make us his own true children, whatever. But I was just thinking of, I don't know, for me, just wanting as we go in the next chapter, a guidance praying for guidance and whatnot, instructions like, yeah. And then that brings the question of how do you receive an answer? Oh wait, Chapter twenty Whoa, thou our guide. Thou our guide. So chapter twenty you know. A lot of times when people go, I want guidance and that what do they think of They go, well, I want something direct. God answer me somehow. Right. And that's Yeah, yeah. 

What I could let let you know and let's be honest, right. Yes. In the Old Testament and in the New Testament, God has given these answers in some very direct ways, either through dreams, visions, voices or setting an Angel down. Right. You know, very direct. Yes. OK You know, and people go, well, does God have a plan for my life? If you read the New Testament, Old Testament, you kind of get an answer. Yes. God has kind of a plan. he's known you since before you were born, when you were, as it says, stitch in your mother 's womb. Right. 

There is a plan for you. Do you necessary? Are you born with instruction on what that plan is? No. You kind of have to seek it. How do you seek it? Well, yeah, that's what this Trevor is about. 

So, like, right away it takes him a little bit, but he gets into it eventually on page two thirty one and he says yes, guidance by dreams, visions, direct verbal messages must be judged exceptional and not normal even for the apostles and their contemporaries. Yet these events do at least show that God has no difficulty in making his will known to his servants. In other words, these things, when it was dreams, visions, direct verbal messages, these were the exceptions, not the norms. Norms. Yeah, these were things that took, for whatever reason, they were explicit at that time. But that's not prescriptive to say that that should happen every time. In other words, Aaron, you wake up tomorrow and you go, should I quit my job or should I stay at my job? You shouldn't expect a verbal warning or message from God saying da da da, right. it's going to be something else, some message in the sky. Yep, just written out. 

And that's where there was something I had underlined that was like, no, there's no biblical text, for instance, told the writer. Or so told the Wow, for instance, told the present writer to propose to the lady who is now his wife to seek to see, or to seek ordination or to start his ministry in England, or to buy his large old car. So it's like for like a lot of that, like day to day stuff or some privacy like proposing to the lady who is now his wife that's a huge thing but there's no like i don't know there wasn't a direct message from god saying right you know what that came out this is but why does he kind of start proposing as potentially some of the ways that you learn what these ways are for well he talks about this here at page two thirty two he says wisdom in scripture always means knowledge of the course of action that will please god and secure life so that the promise of james one five if any of you likes wisdom let him ask god who gives all to all men generously and without aroaching and it will be given him is in effect a ipromise of guidance. 

OK yeah, and then he got, he continues on says Christians have an indwelling instructor. The Holy Spirit, again. The Holy Spirit is not going to, you know, take control of your body, push in the direction you need to go, or write out on a Ouija board what you need to do or send you verbal instructions in your head. that's not how it works. OK well, I guess so. Can that not happen at all today? Or is it just not the normal? that's not the norm, Right. But even if you hear it, you still are supposed to test it. we're told in New Testament, tests test these spirits, test these messages, test these words, right? Yeah. 

You know, does it fit with what God says? You know, And it says God seeks his glory in our lives and he's glorified in US only when we obey his will. And I know further on here we'll get to that where he talks about the Holy Spirit isn't going to guide you to do something that is contrary to who God is the whole like for. I don't remember. it's one of the examples in here specifically, but it was somewhere else. The the Holy Spirit isn't going to guide you. let's say you're married, isn't going to guide you and prompt you to go cheat on your spouse with us or person and run away with them. That is not the, you know, the guidance of the the Holy Spirit, right? Right, yeah. 

The idea of a life in which the inward voice of the spirit decides and directs everything sounds most attractive for it seems to exalt the spirits ministry into promise the closest intimacy with God. This is talking about consequences of mistakes amongst Christians who like, are like, oh, spirit talk to me, Spirit talk to me and give some examples. Right. 

I I don't know if you've read this was on page two thirty five talking about Hannah White Whittle Smith. Oh, OK that's the yeah. Yeah. Writing in her fantasism papers. 

Right. OK Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. 

For it was first released by a group called the Religious Fantasism, and then as group movements of the past and experiments and guidance, and this little and he he recounts some stuff from some of these things right OK There she tells of the woman who each morning having consecrated the day to the Lord as soon as she awoke, would then ask him whether she was to get up or not, and would not stir till the voice told her to dress. As she put on each article, she asked the Lord whether she was to put it on, and very often the Lord would tell her to put on the right shoe and leave off the other. Sometimes she was to put on both stockings and no shoes, and sometimes both shoes and no stockings. It was the same with all the articles of dress. 

Then there was the invalid who, when her Hostess, visiting her left money by accident on the dressing table, had an impression that the Lord want her to take the money in order to illustrate the truth of the text that all things are yours. Which she said she did, and hid it under her pillow, and perversiated when her Hostess came back, for it was eventually thrown out as a thief. Here to me we meet the quiet, refined lady, rather past middle age, who explained that there have been times when, in order to help my friends to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I have felt distinctly LED of the Lord to have them get into bed with me and lie back to back without any nightgown between. 

The stories he says, pathetic stories, are sadly typical of what ensues once the basic mistake about guidance has been made. Yeah, you know, and those are just some examples that he gives there. I just like those are interesting little stories and I love this where he highlights where he writes this here. So never expect to be aided to marry an unbeliever or elope with a married person as long as First Corinthians seven thirty nine and the seventh commandment stand. 

that's why I was like sure that where is that one anyways right above six common pitfalls. Oh OK that's right. Oh yeah, there it is, And he and he writes. The resent writer has known divine guidance to be claimed for both courses of action. 

In other words, he's known people who said, well, gods tell me or the sirits tell me I need to marry an unbeliever. Or God, tell me. The spirits tell me I need to elope with this married person. 

that's not that's not what the spirit would. No, because the spirit would not lead you to go against what? Well, what's in the Bible, right? 

I liked how you just put in like, but in practice, this quest for super spirituality leads only to frantic bewilderment or lunacy. Yeah, it's like, yeah, when you talk to those people that seem to receive signs from the Spirit or I guess won't that almost even be like a. Because like, I know like speaking in tongues can still be a thing. Because like when you get people that I guess try and be prophetic about stuff and just say like they've received some vision for you or whatever, that's just. 

that's freaky. Especially when there is no interpreter or no interpreter and it's just one off and it tickles your tongue with your fancy, I should say. Yeah, you know, at that point it's it needs to be tested, right? To see if this really is from God or is it just from them wanting some little attention on themselves? Yeah. 

Have you ever had that done for you or done to you? Nope. that's weird. Yeah, it. It would be weird. Yeah, it's weird. Yeah. Someone tried. Someone tried to do that, I should say. Yeah. And I said and and then I was older at the time, so I wasn't like a youngster like you like you right now. Yeah. I was in my thirties Oh, yeah. Someone tried to do it. And I was like, no, we're not playing this game because AI don't know you. OK that's fair. Well, that's especially even more fair. You know, that's weird. And B I can't tell if you're drunk or or if you're just, you know, you're this because some people, they're like, oh, i'm high in the spirit. i'm drunk on the spirit. i'm like, yeah. 

OK sure. i'm not going to discount some people having this intense emotional reaction to worship and that at the same time, i'm careful of that and I would test that. But yeah, so no, I haven't had anyone do that because I kind of cut that off. But right, the right the pass. I was like, Nope, i'm not playing this game. 

I prefer the next section. The six come in Pitfalls. Yeah, because I think these are really good. Yeah, I think they're really good. Huh. 

Why are you all. I don't know. I don't know. 

So when he said, yeah, go on. As as soon as I got to this point, I was like, oh, I can't wait to hear you talk to me about this. Why? 

To enlighten me. Enlighten you. Oh gosh, the whole idea of well. 

Where it came, where it comes to, well, thinking ahead, taking advice, and where it wasn't like something about like waiting or whatever. Oh, being unwilling to wait. Those were the three that I thought would like, oh, there's that one I have highlighted in blue. Specific. OK I wanted to make sure to hit. Have at it. OK we'll get there. OK so yeah, so six come pitfalls. Pitfalls and he goes, even with the right ideas about guidance in general, however, it's still easy to go wrong, particularly in vocational choices, he says. Vocational choices that can be anything, like Job, that could be marriage, stuff like that. OK yeah, he goes, what are these basically six pitfalls that we fall into? Right. 

He goes like this, but the spirit can be quenched and we can all to easily behave in a way which stops this guys from getting through. Is worth listening listing some of these main pitfalls. Yes, i'm just bookmarking this page to continue to go over it again. OK the first one. Unwillingness to think, right? 

The false piety of super supernaturalism. Super supernaturalism. Yeah, that's why I was like, what? 

Dead. So he says it's a false piety. Super supernaturalism of an unhealthy and prenacious source demands inward impressions that have no rational base and declined to heed the constant biblical summons to consider. 

As we've talked about, God makes us thinking beings and He guides our minds. As His presence. We think things out, Not otherwise, right? What? So what does that mean? Not otherwise. 

Well, not thinking things out, Right. So in other words, he's not just going to guide us, and we don't think it's right. he's going to guide us as worth thinking. Right? Right again, the wisdom goes back to wisdom. 

Secondly, unwillingness to think ahead and weigh the long term consequences of alternative courses of action. I think that one, 's pretty self explanatory on that One you're unable you're not willing to or able to think what is this going to do in the long term short term may bring you pleasure or fun or whatever but long term maybe not yep unwillingness to take advice It is a sign of conceit and immaturity to dispose with taking advice in major decisions yeah unwillingness to suspect oneself yeah we can rationalize we can recognize rationalizations in ours and quite overlook them in ourselves one immediately came to mind oh jeez actually josh brought it up and came while i was. talking with him one day and it came to mind it was I I really want to know this now. 

It it, it was actually kind of funny. Yeah. Remember. No, I don't at the moment. Josh brought this up and it made me think of it. When he brought it up, I was like, oh, yeah. And then when I read this, I thought of Josh 's comment and and you know the conversation i had with him OK so josh didn't bring it up in the context of the book he just brought it up and then this OK remember back when josh and amy were dating oh yeah he's already brought this up to me oh about what about how much we jumped on him on not getting married or engaged right away or engaged yeah yeah i know he brought that up to me right away yeah it it it made me think of this because that's how it is like him he's in josh 's case right he was like oh yeah yeah yeah yeah and both of me and you were like because we're external yeah said, hey, calm down right cool your jest a second. yeah you did the same thing and both me and jess said hey call your jess a second Yeah, I ain't getting married tomorrow, boy, I know, but but OK how the conversations already come up. 

Well, no, it wasn't even the IT was like, so like with Josh it was like January and he said by December I want to be engaged. Or do you? Oh, within a year, Yeah. And both of us said, hey, cool your Jets. Yeah, me and you. Yeah, you have done similar thing and both me and Jess have gone. Hey, cool your Jets. 

What reason it can't comes to mind. Yes, yes, Yeah. Still still within. Really still within a year time. No, Josh has said it. 

No, I was saying, well, I mean it wasn't said like that. No, it wasn't said exactly the the words Courier Jets wasn't used in other words, but yes, yes, yes. So Josh was going January to December. You started this relationship. I forgot what month. The event. 

Yeah. Beginning of November. Yeah. Like, well, the beginning of November. And you were still like, by a year. You want to be even married in some of your conversations or engaged so that, you know, both of us have been like, cool. Yeah. And that that's what this one brought up to my mind with that. Right. Well, that's like, it was funny because, like, OK yeah, go ahead. And the reason I say is because, like, when Josh had those thoughts, he couldn't recognize it. But both me and you recognize it when you're having these thoughts. Both me and Josh can recognize it. But you're like, Oh no, it's fine. it's good. And so that's the only reason why it came up in my head like that, because i'm not. i'm not. 

I guess to go more into that, it's like, i'm not like trying to, like, jump the gun per southeast Obviously i'm excited. Heck yeah, i'm excited. But I don't know, there's like other stuff as far as like, well, it made me think of the whole willingness to take advice sort of thing. Because obviously, there's also a thing where you can take advice that you want to hear and ignore advice that you don't want to hear. 

And that's not what i'm trying to do either, because i've had this conversation with Amy where it's like, I haven't like, she's like, wow, it looks like things have gone from zero to ninety real quick, yada, yada yada about wanting to get potentially married within a year. i'm like, I mean, yeah, but there's a lot of, I don't know. that's where it's like i've been going to other people and obviously even like pastor at church he's like he's like like take it easy or because like family had been talking to him and right we are the hot topic for people. Of course. So yeah, like, so obviously like marriage and all that stuff. Like people are like, where's it going? Yada yada, yada, yada. Obviously, like the goal is to get married. Like that's why we're dating, right? The hope is to get married with it and that it all, whatever works out, which i'm hoping and praying it doesn't i'm asking and praying for guidance along the way and what to do, yada, yada yada, all that stuff where it's like i've been going to just just about anybody. 

Just curious to hear about any married couples, young and old, what their timelines were and what how they went about things. I still haven't talked to Petersons yet, but like, obviously, and i've told you about like, my parents, right? They were, by the time they started dating, they were married within a year. I was like, holy crap that's what like father like son oh oh, but any who it's just weird because it's like you hear. Like i've been, i've been hearing from people on all sides, whereas like, you know, wait at least a year. Some people are like, well, if you know, you know, and like a lot of people, like i've heard more and more about couples that have dated for four to five months and then got engaged. Now some of them, the engagements are longer, but that's mainly just because of planning and having to plan a wedding out. It takes time to plan that crap out. 

So there's that. But where it's like it's it's one of those things where it's like I want to take into consideration like you know, well you haven't sent to me yet but I can't remember the dude 's name about oh Mark Driscoll where he says people yeah. Yeah. Where you. Well, people getting married too early too soon and have well, having kids too soon within the marriage and all that kind of stuff and the issues it can, you know can contribute to it later. 

So any who that's where, it's it's like one of those things where. it's I don't want to. i'm not trying to put a timeline on stuff. I don't want to rush things too fast. But then I also don't want to waste time and drag stuff out so long where it's like, oh, I should have just done this by this time already. 

So it's I don't want to use anybody 's timeline as like something for me to just go by and just do it by this time and whatever. Like, I don't want to just follow someone 's timeline the. For the sake of following it. Right. 

And I mean, gosh, when did Josh and Amy start dating? They were early twenties Yeah. So I don't know, like that's like a thing I try and take into consideration where it's like, OK yes, they were also very young. Josh was. I mean, obviously i'm still trying to figure crap out too, because i'm slow and dumb and whatever, but it's like as as far as like knowing what i'll be OK with. 

And what as far as like what I think or I imagine would work as far as like having a spouse sort of thing or what not. A lot of that is kind of sort of already been figured out with friends over the over the years. i'm like, oh, like I could things that I can handle and would be OK with me as far as like, i'll make sure to edit that part out. Thanks. Because that that isn't really. Because i'll i'll edit that out and send it to her directly to her. Thank you thank you. 

Because it's like there's things about both. Each person that's like it's like there's stuff that you're going to have to learn learn to like in a sense deal with and be able to know that you can work with. So it's like figuring out if you're suitable and able to make life together work sort of thing. 

So I mean, I don't know. that's like a lot that has been learned overtime with friends that i've chosen and some people that i've been too close with, i've never been too close with. But, like, knowing, I guess certain things that I was able to work through and work past with people. it's like, OK I don't know. I guess I just feel like I have a better idea at this point or would then I would have if I was dating somebody at twenty Like if I was dating somebody on a when I was twenty I would not be especially when being more as I guess as quick as a thought process as I am now as far as moving forward whatever all that jazz. I don't know. there's just a lot of things i'm trying to take into consideration. All right. I should. i'm going to. And so the main reason I thought of it wasn't I wasn't trying to be like, oh, you're too soon to whatever. No, it it was the fact that Josh did it. Then you did it where and where you yourself are like, i'm fine. i'm trying to rationalize this. And then all of a sudden everyone else was like, hold on a second. 

Well, not everyone else, believe me. there's a lot of people are like, well, what the heck are you waiting for? i'm like, yeah, I do like, I there's enough time in your life to have sex. Oh gosh, no. Yes, yes. But plenty of time for that. The part that I highlighted in blue, Yes. Oh was right after this. So he ends this little section and says, as a biologist, theologian has written, Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, go on. The joy and general sense of well being that often But not always goes with being in love can easily silence conscience and inhibit critical thinking yes how often people say that they feel led to get married and probably they will say the lord has so clearly guided when all they really when all they really when they all they are really describing is a particularly novel state of indoctrine endocrine balance which makes them feel extremely sanguine and happy yes i was like wow so so would a easy way of putting that just saying as it's funny because she doesn't like. 

calling it like a honeymoon phase that's a honeymoon phase yeah but like and to some degree like i you know i can hear her out on some of her thinking on that where it's like it's for like Some of the people like her family she's told me about was like, they've in a sense always had like that honeymoon phase about them. But so that book I recommended to you at the very start of this. Yes. Warrior poet way, yes. He even talks about that. he's like when you first get into a relationship. That honeymoon phase is great until you have your first fight. He goes, then you'll know if you two will make it or not. 

My old man was telling me I can't remember who he was saying that like he had heard it. But it's like a good way to learn about one another and see how well you'll do together is just go on trips and like that traveling portion and how you act with one another and how you react to one another. that'll be a good way to figure out if you'd be OK or not. 

And he literally just told me that before we went to Iowa to visit some of her family or whatever, or her siblings and well, sibling and whatever. Yeah, family. Family. 

But, so I just laughed. I was like, so I was like, so maybe we should just go on some trips together and obviously have people with us, obviously don't be held accountable and make sure that we don't get caught up, caught in the moment sort of thing. But it just laughed. I was like, well, all right, this is a good first step. Yep. But I really like how you say that particularly novel state of undocrine, endocrine balance. Yes. In other words, he's saying it's a, it's a new. it's a new chemical feeling in your brain. 

And again, a theologian biologist. So from both sides. Yes. I highlighted that in blue. I was like, must bring up with Aaron, just. Yes. 

Yes. And look, it's from a book written by Barkley, and the book is named Guidance. Wow. 

Yes. Oh, yeah. I don't know what darren 's going to get. Wait, what? A book called guidance. 

Yeah. I don't know. So I. Yeah, I don't know. Yes. didn't need to necessarily go into the whole rabbit hole of my. 

No, but my, I just laughed because I was like, oh, that is so true. And i'm saying this for myself as well, That is true. Like I can be doing something and I can rationalize it just fine, but someone else outside me can say no, this isn't right because because of this. 

And he goes on to say we need to ask ourselves why we feel a particular course to be right and to make ourselves give reasons right, not just let it be a pleasurable or just. And we shall be wise to lay the case before someone else whose judgement we trust to give a verdict on our reasons. I was like, Oh yeah, we can never distrust ourselves too much. I was like, Yep, Yep, that's true. And it just brought to mind those particular things because it was funny and how it came up and how it fits that so perfectly as a clear example. 

And that was that was like one thing with Josh where like with our conversation together and stuff like that. Like he was telling me he's like, what is it? he's like give it a year like. I was like, you know, I was like, i'm not going to forcibly give it a year. 

Am I again, am I trying to like, rush it and just let's do this tomorrow? No. But i'm not going to just put a timeline to put a timeline timeline on it. I guess my biggest thing is i'm just looking for, well, I don't know, asking for guidance, praying about it, and just seeing where the chips fall, I guess as time goes on. But yeah, again, yeah, I don't want to rush or delay per southeast so I don't know. that's where i'm at with this so far. Well, so number five Unwillingness to discount Personal Magnetism. 

That one, 's pretty straightforward those who have not been deeply made deeply aware of the pride and self deception themselves cannot always detect these and others in other words you need to know when you're deceiving yourself in order to be able to detect deceit in others and then finally the last one unwillingness to wait i'm willing to wait OK for the record. Yeah, When in doubt, do nothing but to continue to wait on God. When action is needed, light will come. 

When when action is needed, light will come. Yeah, that was like a funny thing I thought about today because I was, I was re listening to this and it got to the section today and we were in the car together and it talked about this section specifically. And I just loved how in in church today I was talking about someone like that's impatient. 

Oh gosh. And i'm already forgetting like what? How it described someone that is impatient or like things that won't For someone that is impatient, they can have the tendency to not be wise sort of thing and not think things through and just yadda yadda yadda and oh and be controlling and stuff like that, whatever. But I just started laughing to myself cause like there's there's been times where there's like times where. 

No, i'm sorry. I don't i'm not throwing you under the bus. i'm not, 'cause I have my own many issues. Go ahead. But like, there's like, times where she's like, she says that she can be an impatient person. I just started laughing when I was, like, heard the part about when it's talking about the unwillingness to wait or, you know, and all that stuff. I just laughed myself about it. I was like, hmm, I wonder if you're listening to this. Right. 

But. So that's where. Yeah. Well, that's me. I I I don't know. I guess I can let. i'll let you be the one to answer that or not because i'm sure it also is very circumstantial. But i'd like to think I can tend to be more of a patient person to some degree. 

But there's definitely times where i'm very well sure that i'm not patient by any means with things. I don't know. It is very case by case with you. Yeah. And i'm sure it's the same with me. 

i'm sure there are times when I have shown great patience and other times where been very impatient, even if you haven't seen it. Yeah, it's probably. I haven't seen it then. If that's the case, here's how. You know, if i'm being impatient with someone when I i'm on a call with someone and I do this, that means i'm being very impatient with them. You can't see it on the camera. i'm doing this. i'm doing the Homer to Bart strangling. I was doing that a lot on Friday for a work call, but that's always. Yeah. So I don't know. Yeah, OK Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It it wasn't I was trying to make fun of you on it, but it just made, it just made me laugh. When I saw that, I was like unwillingness to suspect oneself. I was like, oh, I can think of a perfect example of that one right there. And it wasn't just a you example. It was. It happened to Josh where you saw it at. That same situation happened to you. And then it was. But he was younger, OK I know. Younger, but it's still like within that year time frame, it's just like, oh boy, that's that's chef 's kiss good. 

Yeah, yeah. And I guess that's like another thing too, I guess, where I suppose I could ask him about that. Maybe I will at some point. But like, as far as, like, know how much you continue to still learn about the person, you're going to learn every day, right? you're going to learn every day. And that's like one of my things where it's like, do I let that scare me, scare me away and force me to wait longer and let that be a deterrent? 

you're going to have to or what? But, yeah, you're going to have to talk to some married people about that, right. Married people have been made to be married for a decent amount of time. Yeah. Petersons, i'll go to my own parents. 

they've been married longer. See, that's man, that's man. Like, I don't know. Yeah, there's there's just, there's like from some people where it's just like, surprising me that our old married couples are like, well, what the heck are you waiting for? i'm like, what do you mean? So yeah, it's crazy. So it's that's that's where it's just so weird to me to hear. Just polar opposites with still Christian. Like still, like Christian Bible believing Christians, whatever, on both sides of the spectrum per southeast younger and older. it's just like, who do I live like? 

Nah, it just. And then we're it's kind of funny with the next section of this being no simple answers. Yeah. No simple answers at all. it's like, I don't like this. 

Yep. And there's only one thing I highlighted under this of no simple answers and was this Trouble should always be treated as a call to consider one 's ways but trouble is not necessarily a sign of being off track right yeah yeah that's not helpful i mean it is but yep it just sucks thus it appears that the right context for discussing guidance is one of confidence in the god who will not lead us not let us ruin our souls that's at the very end of the charter there. Because really, the rest of this and this chapter here is really going on some examples of people who maybe had some trouble but weren't really in trouble, weren't doing wrong, or what do we do when we miss the road and and that these chapters were long. Yes, they were brutal. 

Well, nineteen was long and brutal. twenty was brutal for a different way, right. I thought it wasn't long, per southeast Yeah. 

And just think, Sir, at this point now, right? Yeah. there's only fifty pages left of the book. 

Yeah. So next month. What, twenty one and twenty two Yeah. wow i mean We do that right Yeah. 

actually those are our last two chapters yeah that's it we will finally be done with this book which then that means aaron has a very important decision after that to make a new choice for a book yeah The question is, is Aaron going to go with something deep like this? Of course he's going to go with something a little lighter. i'm i'm hoping lighter. I don't know. 

I can always give you some suggestions for lighter, but ultimately you're the one who will need to pick the lighter one because they're like you could even do the warrior poet wave, which is a lighter one. it's definitely not AS deep. it's definitely more simple. And if you went with that one, he gives you practical material to practice at the end of each chapter. Yeah, So he goes over, here's what we talked about in this chapter. here's your practical application of what we talked about. 

Like one of them was go do something that makes you scared. No. Whatever that may be. Heights, spiders, etcetera. 

there's no good reason to do something that scares me that involves spiders. there's always a reason to do something that involves spiders. No. 

Yeah. So that was the end of chapters nineteen twenty of Knowing God by Packer. Next month we'll close it up the book, Aaron picks the new one, and then we go from there and before we finish out, have a good one. Talk to you later. Bye.