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Jan. 1, 2020

Happy New year - Let's start off 2020 on the right foot relaxing and not too serious

Who keeps new year's resolutions?  Well, we don't - but we do go over the list of what resolutions are popular (outside of the stereotypical lose weight, get fit).  We also list our favorite and least favorite episodes/segments from the year and Paul attempts to pull clips from them. Included in the clip list is a segment of a podcast that had to be scrapped in previous uploads due to better editing learned over the year. (It's still not the best but due to it being this short - it was acceptable)  We end the episode with our top two predictions for the year and at the end of 2020, we will see who is most correct on what happened this year.  So let's start 2020 in a relaxed fashion before things get too serious.
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